Data Science & Analytics Investments 2021

Post-COVID-19 Data Trends & Implications

2020 will be a year to remember as a year of many uncertainties. Business leaders and data managers are in a race to keep up with today’s unprecedented data growth and spread - a race to find and leverage the value in the continuous data torrent flowing across networks between the edge, data centers, and multi-cloud platforms.

With so much data available, it is imperative to remember that no one type of data is inherently better than any other kind. The goal remains to seek exact or specific sets of data that will best benefit your organization. It then comes as no surprise that opinions from personal interviews show that 66% of top executives are still looking to strengthen their analytics strategy.

Download our free trend report to learn how top-level decision-makers are maximizing Data Science and Analytic strategies, Data Management, and incorporating Self-Service Business Intelligence (SSBI) solutions to make informed decisions.

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