Published 14. May. 2020

4 Actionable Steps After An Online Meeting

Have you had an online meeting with a C-suite executive? Congratulations! However, it does not end there. Learn why follow-ups are important and how you can do them successfully.
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After a successful online meeting with a C-suite, it is time to keep on working towards your business development goals. If you think that once the meeting has taken place then there is nothing left to do, think again! Pair your prospects with proper follow-up(s) and you’ll increase your chances of success.

A well-planned follow up not only complements your initial success from the meeting but also paves the way for subsequent actions. Check these 4 actionable steps that you can take to successfully follow-up with a prospect after a meeting at an online space.

1. Meet with your team

Within the next 24 hours after a successful online meeting has occurred, you need to discuss with your team. Take time to review everyone’s notes and group them into themes. The main strategy of B2B sales is prioritizing each theme and analyzing how they connect with the C-suite’s objectives.

Together, you should create a list of the themes you created. Organize them according to the C-suite’s priorities or timeline-based. Determine who will be responsible for what within your organization and when it can be delivered.

This online meeting will also allow you and your team to exchange feedback for future internal sales meetings. There is always room for improvement and learning.

2. Send a note or email to the C-suite you networked with


CEOs are human beings, and therefore are, in a way, just like you — they’ve just had a different set of experiences in their careers”, Polly Sumner, Chief Adoption Officer, Salesforce.


Immediately after discussing with your team, it is vital to contact the C-suite you networked with. Particularly in B2B sales, this is something that should also take place within the next 24 hours after your online meeting with the prospect and it can be something as simple as a note or an email. 

Start this communication by reminding them who you are and what you have talked about briefly. Then, thank them for their time, support, and/or participation. Continue with the list of themes that you developed and organized with your team. Include also who will be responsible for each of the tasks and follow-ups on your side and ask who will respond from their team, if you do not know already.

You can close the email or note with a commitment to deliver the status of each theme, as you previously discussed privately with your team. Thank the C-suite again and send it.

Be careful not to make the email or note too casual and with a lack of focus. Consider the client’s needs and be as concise as possible.

3. Be prepared to meet again soon

Even if you’re a novice at B2B sales meetings, it’s always better to be prepared. Whether it is for following up on the project or discussing new ideas, conditions, or details, a new meeting could likely happen at any time. 

Therefore, it is important to make sure that you know all of the intricate details of the project you are discussing, its status, and any other information that can be useful. Having all of the data will make you look very professional and it will also show respect for the C-suite’s time.


4. Connect on LinkedIn

After you send the follow-up email, do connect with the client on LinkedIn (if you haven’t already). This will allow you to further strengthen your professional relationship. 

Contacting and meeting constantly with C-suite executives may seem intimidating at first, but it is something that requires practice. If you prepare well and do a proper and professional follow-up after an online meeting, the chances for success increase. Take every opportunity as a lesson for both your personal and professional journey and always do your best.

I do the very best I know how – the very best I can; and I mean to keep on doing so until the end– Abraham Lincoln.

Utilize these actionable steps to push the success of your business meetings to the next level. If you want direct access to top-level decision-makers, online meetings with them, all under one roof, our events are catered specifically for your needs! Reach out to us on how you can be part of our newly launched Virtual Events or check here for updates on event listings!